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Book Cover


Art Director, Designer + Writer

Art Direction

Print Design

Digital Design

I wrote and designed the jacket of A BRIEF MOMENT IN TIME. The story follows Jen Brooks, a young woman fresh out of college who yearns to break free from her small-town life. Her first job at a paper company in Boston seemed to promise the escape she craved. But when she unwittingly witnesses a horrific act committed by her bosses, her dreams of a new life are shattered. Trapped in a web of deceit, Jen's every move becomes a potential threat to her life, evoking a sense of vulnerability that will resonate with readers.


The cover design of BRIEF MOMENT IN TIME symbolizes the protagonist, Jen Brooks' unwavering determination to break free from the confines of her circumstances. The paper airplane tearing through the red cover evokes a sense of urgency and chaos, mirroring Jen's tumultuous journey as she navigates a world of deceit and danger. Underneath the torn piece of paper is a Non-Disclosure Agreement hinting at the secrecy and danger she faces. I added the small runner at the tip of the airplane to add to the urgency. 


The font selection complements the theme of desperation and fear in the story.


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